Podcast Radio adds John Ryan’s podcast review show

John Ryan has launched a new podcast review show which will also air on Podcast Radio.

Pod Roast is part of Podcast Radio’s Original programming and starts on Friday 15th January.

John spent 23 years in the BBC running stations in Northampton, Leeds and Manchester.

He recently critiqued the launch trail of the new Harry and Megan podcast, which appeared in RadioToday’s weekly e-newsletter eRADIO.

John wrote: “It’s hard to believe anyone with any radio, podcasting or audio credentials was involved in this pained birth, but if they were, take them out the back of Archewell Audio and shoot them through the ears as they’re clearly surplus to requirements.”

On the Duchess, he commented: “I mean, she is an actress. But I’ve heard people sound more excited putting their trash out.”

Podcast Radio director Paul Chantler said: “We love John’s clever, witty ferocity for which he is well known. Since we launched nearly a year ago, we’ve been looking for a podcast critic who can be both insightful and entertaining and John is our guy.”

John Ryan said: “Yeah, whatever Paul. There are 43 million podcasts in the world. By the time you have finished reading this sentence, it’ll probably be 44 million. Some are amazing. A lot of them suck.

“Join me, weary-eared and disappointed, for the Pod Roast.”

Each week John Ryan’s Pod Roast will review two or three popular mainstream podcasts produced by the big production companies. The episode will first air at midday (GMT) each Friday and then be repeated across the schedule in subsequent days.

Podcast Radio CEO Gerry Edwards said: “John Ryan’s Pod Roast is yet another new and unique way to discover podcasts on Podcast Radio and its many platforms.”

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Posted on Monday, January 11th, 2021 at 10:17 pm by RadioToday Staff

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