Jazz FM presenter Anne Frankenstein reverts to her real name

Jazz FM presenter Anne Frankenstein has taken the decision to broadcast using her real name of Deb Grant.

The mid-mornings and The Late Lab presenter, who has been with Jazz FM since 2017, announced the news on social media.

In the video reveal, she said “You may know me as Anne Frankenstein – it might surprise you to learn it that’s not my real name; it’s a name I picked years and years ago when I started DJing in clubs and bars.

“I’ve been djing for over 20 years and it felt perfectly right to have a pseudonym way back then.

“I thought of myself as a club and bar DJ primarily up until a couple of years ago when the pandemic hit and radio took over as my passion. Now I think of myself far more as a broadcaster and it feels very strange, given the intimacy of the medium of radio, to be using a pseudonym on air.

“So I thought from this year I would start using my real name. It’s going to be weird for me, it might be weird for you too but hopefully, we’ll all get used to it eventually. So hello, my name is Deb Grant.”

Rounding off the video, Deb said “That’s the name I’m going to be using on the air from now on – you can still call me Anne if you like of course, many people do. You can still call me Frankenstein, I believe it suits me and I’m quite sad to be letting go of that name but it feels like the right thing to do and this feels like the right time.

“So, Deb Grant is my name and I look forward to meeting you back on the airwaves throughout 2022.”

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Posted on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 4:17 pm by RadioToday Staff

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