Twenty six radio stations awarded grants from Ofcom

In the recent community radio funding Round at Ofcom, £390,689 was given out between 26 radio stations.

There were 69 applications for grants and the total amount of funding requested came to £1,029,650.

This means 43 applicants/stations were not awarded a grant in this round.

The grants awarded ranged from £6,384 at Radio2Funky up to £22,166 for Chelmsford Community Radio, with an average of £15,027.

Ofcom says several stations submitted applications for emergency cash funding, although the guidance made it clear that such grants would not be considered in this Round.

Some applications contained financial information which appeared to show large reserves or significant income. The regulator points out that applicants should be aware that this lack of clarity potentially disadvantages their application, as it may give a misleading impression of the state of their finances.

Here’s a list of who got what:


Station name Purpose Amount
101.8 WCR FM Volunteer Training Coordinator £12,864
ABC FM, Blast 106, IUR FM (joint bid) Sponsorships Officer £13,500
Blackburn’s B102.2 Business Development Manager £19,616
B Radio (Farnborough) Business Development Manager £19,520
Cando FM Sustainability and Business Development Manager £18,018
Chelmsford Community Radio Community Outreach and Fundraising Support Officer £22,166
Coast FM (Coleraine) Sales Manager £9,808
Croydon FM Fundraiser £14,000
East Devon Radio Outreach and Fundraising Officer £14,792
Future Radio Sustainability and Project Manager £8,000
Gaydio Brighton Sales Executive £14,445
K107fm Fundraiser £12,770
Pride Radio Partnership Co-Ordinator £14,560
Radio2Funky Business Development Officer £6,731
Radio MAC Station Marketing and Engagement Manager £16,940
Revolution Radio Business Development Manager £20,238
RWS FM 103.3 Business Development Manager £13,750
Select Radio Fundraising and Business Development Co-Ordinator £18,823
Skylark Business and Development Manager £12,480
Somer Valley FM Station Manager £11,074
Sunshine 1049 Regular Donations Officer £9,805
SWU.FM Business Development Manager £12,350
Ujima Radio Development Programme Manager £16,250
West Kent Radio Sales Executive and Grant Funder £17,480
Winchester Radio Community Business and Sustainability Manager £20,933
Zetland FM Business Development Officer £19,776

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Posted on Thursday, February 17th, 2022 at 4:29 pm by RadioToday Staff

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