Absolute Radio presenters share their mental health stories on-air

Eight Absolute Radio presenters are sharing their stories around anxiety to mark this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

The station has created two special shows which will air today and tomorrow (15th and 16th May at 9pm), joined by Wendy Robinson from CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably – to share her professional expertise and techniques to help with anxiety and anxious feelings.

Hosted by Claire Sturgess and Sophie K, topics discussed include anxiety around relationships, grief, impostor syndrome and OCD as well as the team reflecting on the things that had helped them through tough times including therapy, counselling and of course music.

Non-music versions of the shows will also be shared by the Radio Academy as a podcast and on their website.

On Thursday 18th May, presenters Andy Bush and Richie Firth will also host a late-night edition of their Hometime show called Bedtime with Bush and Richie, taking calls on the subject of anxiety and how it impacts listeners’ lives across the UK.

Paul Sylvester, Absolute Radio Content Director, said: “Attitudes towards mental health will only change if we have conversations about it. We want to demonstrate that everyone has their own mental health journey and that if you’re struggling with your own emotional well-being then you’re not alone.

“I’m incredibly proud of the Absolute Radio team involved in making these powerful and honest programmes.”

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Posted on Monday, May 15th, 2023 at 10:08 am by Roy Martin

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