Here’s what happened at Radiodays Europe on day 1

Here’s what’s been happening at Radiodays Europe in Lausanne – where hundreds of radio professionals from around the world are sharing ideas and experiences.

Radio industry keynote: Radio and audio – Where we are and where are we going

The Head’s of SRG, EBU, Bauer, an investigative journalist into Russian disinformation and a the Brexicast News Editor opens Radiodays Europe!

Greg James – Your listeners are everything

“Why would I have funnier stories than the 6 million people listening? So we focus on them”, Greg James, BBC, Radio 1, UK

Checking the pulse on America’s largest radio group

iHeartMedia Networks Group is the biggest radio network in the world. Darren Davis has a unique perspective on how the company has grown.

Why Chris Evans left the biggest radio show in Europe

Francis Currie from Wireless addressed the auditorium about bringing Chris Evans back to the Virgin brand.

Audio Content is the Listeners’ Content

WNYC discussed how they engage with listeners beyond audio and allow listeners to become an even greater part of the show.

The future of listening is…

How listeners will consume radio content in the future.

Imaging: the goal of emotional connection

“Listeners come for the music, but they stay for the connection”, Kelly Doherty spoke about the emotional connection through imaging.

Google’s Thoughts On The Future of Audio

Brenda Salinas, from Google News, eased delegates into her thoughts on the future of bringing audio to audiences with a hilarious and informative presentation.

Will humans be needed in the future!

The “coming storm” of Artificial Intelligence.

The State of Radio in 2019

The Radio Summit: a collection of radio directors and CEOs from all over Europe gathered together to discuss the state of radio.

Will Artificial Intelligence Marginalise Us?

Journalists are now competing with a new force. “It is clear that on the technological level, radio is not competing”.

Smart apps, smart speaker and smart cars

How radio is handling changing technology in the eco system of connected devices and where we are now with the smart speaker market.

Sound is your brand

Jo McCrostie and Dirk Soetens think that sound is becoming more important than images for brands.

Reinventing Radio in a SMART way

Dave Watson from DAVID Systems introduced the panel tackling the challenges and opportunities for the reinvention of radio.

Creative Radio Advertising

How can producers create great audio? Ralph Van Dijk, Eardrum and Paul Wauters, Babel discussed what we can learn from the most interesting audio they’ve worked with.

The future of personalised ‘radio’ news

After years of dependence on the social news feed, audiences are at a tipping point.

Measuring true audio listening on all platforms

Jeroen Verspeek kicked off by introducing the BBC’s Cross Media Measurement study, a large nationally representative study across the BBC and all its services.

Audio in the year 2025…

Audio, money and the future. “Radio offers much more audience per-pound than any other type of advertising and should therefore take precedence”.

Two Innovative Projects To Make Radio More Interactive

Floris Daelemans, VRT introduced two innovative research projects at the Belgium broadcaster: Marconi and HRadio.

Go Local, Grow Deeper

Across Europe radio stations are innovating in different ways, but adjusting to audience trends is crucial.

Expanding Radio Advertising

Views on broadcasting from around the world. Siobhan Kenny, Radiocentre, Rob Timony, XI, Ger Gilroy, Off The Ball, Menno de Boer, Radio 538 and Michael Dujardin, Tomorrowland Festival.

The Future of Smart Speakers

“I don’t know where this is going, it’s a new space. We try and build on what we’re good at and then extend it into this new space.” Tamar Charney, MD, NPR in the USA.

Ask what AI car do for radio

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning may seem complicated terms, “You don’t have to be a software engineer but you need to be literate in AI”.

Stay On Top Of Your Rating

Boost ratings with a unique sound. There are benefits to mixing things up, even when the sun is shining!

Save time scheduling Ads

Boost ratings with a unique sound. There are benefits to mixing things up, even when the sun is shining!

Using Smart Speaker

Tips for using smart speakers effectively. Smart speakers are in their infancy – and innovators like these are the ones who will help radio industries around the world develop best practice.

Audio Metrics around the world

How can we better understand listening trends? It all starts with using the right measuring tools.

Radio Is Facing A Form Of Darwinism

Radio sales is dead, long live radio sales. Radio stations which can adapt to a digital audience will survive, but others may not.

AI in radio and audio – monetisation

Making Better Campaigns With Audio-Specific Data.

Watch out for Day 2 sessions posting tomorrow – and listen to this week’s RadioToday Programme podcast from the event itself.

Meanwhile, check out some PodSnips from the organisers;

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