BFBS features military medical teams

Forces broadcaster BFBS is to air a radio documentary this weekend, after being given unprecedented access to medical teams working on the frontline in Afghanistan.

In Operation Herrick: The Patient Pathway, BFBS presenter Richard Hutchinson traces the route from the point of injury out in the field back to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

He said: “Initially I wanted to find out about the dedication of those implementing the Operation Herrick Patient Pathway. I was expecting to talk about the processes and skills involved in the recovery of casualties in Afghanistan, but when we started chatting I became aware that I was hearing much more than that.

“Everyone talked honestly and candidly about how their job affects them, and how they cope both individually and as a team with some extremely difficult situations.”

The documentary features interviews with members of the Medical Emergency Response Team as well as nurses, doctors and staff who risk their own lives to save colleagues on the frontline.

Operation Herrick: The Patient Pathway is being broadcast on Sunday 24th November on BFBS Radio at 1pm and on BFBS Radio 2 at 6pm (both GMT).

Photo Credit: Crown Copyright.

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