Date set for Global Radio’s CC results

Further to today’s news regarding Global Radio’s takeover reviews of GMG Radio, the date has been set for the result of the CC’s investigation.

The Competition Commission has said it expects to publish its final report by 27 March 2013, now that the Office of Fair Trading has fast-tracked the matter upwards.

The CC has to decide whether the acquisition will result in a substantial lessening of competition in any market or markets for goods or services in the UK. Pre-merger, Global Radio operated the Heart, Capital, LBC, Classic FM, Gold and Xfm radio brands across the UK, while GMG Radio operated several stations under the Real or Smooth brands.

All interested parties are invited to submit their comments in writing by no later than 8 November 2012.

The 27 March deadline gives the Commission a 24 week period in which it is required to publish its report, which may be extended by no more than eight weeks if it considers that there are special reasons why the report cannot be published within that period.

A “fast-track” was requested by Global Radio in July, just days before the Culture Secretary ordered Ofcom and the OFT to carry out investigations into the merger on the grounds of plurality and competition.

To submit evidence, please email or write to:

Inquiry Manager
Global Radio/GMG merger
Competition Commission
Victoria House
Southampton Row

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Posted on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at 7:06 pm by RadioToday Staff

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