Bauer teach future radio stars in Liverpool

Liverpool station Radio City is opening its doors to the next generation of talent next month for week-long summer schools.

Students aged 12 to 18 attending the Radio City Academy will be taught by weekend breakfast presenter Simon Greening as well as other presenters from the Bauer station.

Those attending will get first hand experience of life at the UK’s highest radio stations – which is based 452 feet up in the air with a view of Liverpool and beyond. They’ll also have the opportunity to present their own radio show, try their hand at commentating on a football match; read the news; make a promo and even put together their own documentary.

Richard Maddock, Station Director at Radio City said: “It will be great to have some of the next generation of talent learning their craft at Radio City. Our region is one of the most creative in the UK and the Radio City Academy is a fantastic platform to showcase that flair.”

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