Rossie abandons Radio City breakfast

Liverpool’s Radio City 96.7 went presenter-less for half the breakfast show this morning, as Rossie left the studios to go and take his daughter for her first ever day at school.

The stunt came after thousands of listeners contacted the show and urged him to prioritise four year old Nancy ahead of the broadcast.

Just before 8 o’clock this morning he packed his bag and headed home to pick her up, leaving the rest of the breakfast team to take charge and keep the Bauer station’s morning programme on the air.

Rossie said: “I didn’t know whether to take the day off or not and before I knew it the day was here and I hadn’t done anything about it! All morning I felt really guilty about not being there to hold her hand and realised I was missing out on a really important day for her. So, when the listeners told me to go and pick her up I realised it was the right thing to do…and I don’t regret it for a minute.”

He added: “There are more important things if life than work, and to be there as Nancy walked into school for the first time is now a memory I’ll cherish for ever…thanks to our listeners!”

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