Anthony Gay leaves Bauer after 17 years

Anthony Gay, regional programming director of Bauer Radio Yorkshire and Station Director Radio Aire Leeds and Hallam FM Sheffield is leaving the company after 17 years.

He’ll take up a new position as EU Director at jingle company Reelworld from December 5th.

Gay joined Bauer, or Emap as it was, in 1994 as programme director at Hallam FM. He stayed there till 2004 when he crossed to Key 103 in the same position, before stints at Rock FM and Radio Aire.

He has also worked at BRMB as a presenter and producer in the early 1990s.

At Reelworld, he’ll oversee the European operations under Pure Tonic in London, along with the development of the EU sales division. He’ll be reunited with ReelWorld CEO Steve Pigott who he first worked with at Hallam FM in Sheffield.

“Ever since my early days in radio, the ReelWorld brand has always been associated with attention grabbing audio, high quality production values and innovative imaging. It is a company that’d never failed to get me excited about radio and to be heading up the new look European operation is a massive honor for me and I’m excited about our plans for 2012”, said Anthony. “It’s really about much more then jingles and that innovation and creativity is something I am thrilled to be driving.”

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