Global amends Capital FM Format Change

Following feedback to the format change request for Capital FM Birmingham, owner Global Radio has submitted a revised version.

The proposed change now includes the words “and include programmes of specific appeal to listeners of African or Afro-Caribbean origin”.

Global Radio asked Ofcom to change the format of Capital FM Birmingham to “a rhythmic-based music-led service for 15-29 year-olds supplemented with news, information and entertainment. The service should have particular appeal for listeners in their 20s and at least 12 hours a week of identifiable specialist music programmes” in June.

In the light of this revision, Ofcom is re-opening this consultation for a period of 10 working days, with effect from 29 September. The closing-date for any further responses will be 12 October 2011.

All but one of the seven respondents were against the original proposal. The one person in favour of the move (whose name was witheld) didn’t have a problem with the changes because a local community station was supplying services to the Afro-Caribbean community.

A change of format for Capital FM Scotland was also made at the same time to remove “at least 30 hours a week of identifiable specialist music programmes”. All ten replies objected to the proposals. An announcement from Ofcom is expected shortly.

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Posted on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 at 5:17 pm by RadioToday Staff

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