Bauer Radio’s charity appeals raise £9m

The country’s second biggest commercial radio operator Bauer Media says its Cash for Kids charities across the UK have raised more than £9m during 2011.

The projects across 21 of the group’s stations have helped over 300,000 sick and underprivileged children within the local TSAs.

Bauer’s Cash for Kids day in May raised £539,000 in a single day, supporting projects including the Teenage Cancer Trust, Northern Ireland Children’s Hospicea and Manchester Children’s hospital scanner appeal.

Sally Aitchison, Managing Director of Cash for Kids told “I am constantly stunned by our listeners. Our passion is local radio and their passion is their local communities. We can guarantee that the money raised locally stays locally and with 80p in the pound going directly to the children this is a very compelling reason to support Cash for Kids.”

She added that as grant giving charities they can help individuals, groups and other charities, who just have to apply to Cash for Kids for a grant and each station’s local Trustee panel allocates the funds.

Sally told us that over the last 7 years, the group’s appeals have raised in excess of £43 million in total. “This shows how engaged our listeners are as they are motivated to donate so generously,” she said. “The charities have been growing significantly which is great news in such a difficult economic climate, it gives us the capacity to help even more sick and underprivileged children in each of the Bauer radio local transmission areas.”

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