Mercia’s Andy does charity China trek

Mercia drivetime presenter Andy Goulding is starting training for a six-day trek across the Great Wall of China later this year to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Andy – who’s previously worked at stations including Signal 1 and Wish FM – is also writing a blog about Alzheimer’s after his dad Tony was diagnosed with the disease.

The trek will take place from 6th October and Merica – which will have been rebranded by owners Orion Media as Free Radio Coventry & Warwickshire by then – will follow Andy’s progress.

Andy told “There will be about 40 of us walking in October and I’ve never undertaken anything like this before so it’s going to be a real challenge for me and there will be a lot of unknowns. But I’ve wanted to do something to help support the Alzheimer’s Society for a while now and I think it’s something dad will be proud of as well, I just hope I get enough support and manage to complete the distance.”

You can support Andy through sponsorship and read his Alzheimer’s blog here.

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Posted on Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 at 3:49 pm by RadioToday Staff

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