Capital FM newsreader falls into a canal

Capital Birmingham breakfast newsreader Laura Safe has been ribbed on-air for falling into a canal in the Mailbox Shopping Centre whilst walking and texting.

The event, which was caught on CCTV, took place last week and the morning after became the topic of conversation during the breakfast show.

Laura tweeted Oh dear. I should really be called Laura UNsafe after the day I’ve had! Lol.

Breakfast presenters Dan and Katy asked her all about the incident, which you can hear here.

“I thought there was pavement in front of me – I could see it in the corner of my eye,” Laura said. “Whilst not looking what I was doing I walked all the way down the steps and then went into the canal.”

Laura was rescued by a passer-by who she rang on-air to say thank you for pulling her out of the freezing water.

“Everyone in (nearby) Pizza Express ran out…. I had to dry out in the disabled toilet for an hour, they even had a spare pair of shoes for me.”

Watch the incident below ..

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