Toby Anstis in the news for Priscilla pics

Heart presenter Toby Anstis is in the news today after being photographed kissing Elvis Presley’s ex-wife Priscilla on what was apparently their 3rd date.

Various newspapers, including the Mirror and Daily Mail are reporting 67 year old Priscilla and 40 year old Toby were “tenderly embracing after a romantic dinner at San Lorenzo restaurant in Wimbledon”.

A source told the Daily Mirror: “They have mutual pals in the States and a friend suggested they meet up.

“Toby has a thing for older women and is a big fan of Elvis so they hit it off immediately.

“After swapping numbers, Priscilla got him some tickets to see her in panto in Wimbledon, and they met-up after.

“He then went to see her again because he was so impressed.

“They got on really well over dinner and Priscilla was incredibly flirty – she thinks Toby is gorgeous.

“Toby often goes to LA so he is hoping things may continue when he goes to America in the next few weeks.”

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