Spirit FM team raises £14k for new legs

Spirit FM MD Sally Auston and mid-morning presenter Milly Luxford have raised money to help a 17 year old walk unaided for the first time.

spiritfmThe duo ran 7K in 7 countries in just 7 days, travelling and living in a camper van for the duration which enabled them to raise £14,500 via donations from listeners for “Chloe’s New Legs”.

The money will transform the life of 17-year-old Chloe Humphrey which will go towards a spinal operation that will enable her to walk for the first time unaided and pain free.

“It rained for most of the time and it was certainly tiring, what with all the driving and running, but it was an experience I wouldn’t have missed for the world,” said Milly, adding: “Local businesses have been so brilliantly supportive and generous in sponsoring us, be it with money, time or products, and to have raised so much towards changing Chloe’s life is simply awesome.”

“We took Chloe’s cause to our listeners and they took Chloe, a beautiful, bright and warm young lady, to their hearts,” says Spirit’s Managing Director Sally Austin. “People have fundraised, sent their best wishes, offered their services and have generally been amazing. Realising how many kind and good people we live amongst has in itself been a humbling and inspiring revelation. I am so proud of our achievement – as a community, as a radio station and, as we are now, members of Chloe’s extended family.”

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