Anthony Davis is stepping down from the Late Show at LBC, with overnight presenter Duncan Barkes taking his place.
Anthony says he has decided to take a break from his regular show after almost eight years of working nights.
The move means cover presenter and Telegraph columnist Olly Mann will get the overnight gig. Olly also hosts the Answer Me This podcast.
Anthony is still expected to host the occasional show at LBC, as Managing Editor James Rea explains: “I want to thank Anthony for his huge contribution to the success of the station and, although he is leaving to pursue new opportunities, I am sure this isn’t ‘goodbye’ and he will still contribute to the schedule in the future.”
Duncan Barkes starts the 10pm-1am Sunday to Thursday show from January 5th.
Anthony Davis says: “It’s been such an honour to broadcast to London during its most successful years and to have the opportunity to talk to so many interesting and informed people, whom I’m certain have done more to educate me than I have them. People who work at night will know how the late hours can take their toll on health and personal life, and for that reason alone I have taken the difficult decision to step down from the show. The good news is that I’m not leaving the company, and look forward to cropping up on LBC 97.3 elsewhere in the future. I’d like to extend sincere thanks to every producer, contributor and caller that has made the programme so popular – it has truly been a team effort.”
Posted on Friday, December 20th, 2013 at 9:30 am by RadioToday Staff