Bauer helps deliver petition to Downing Street

A petition with 197K signatures calling for a change in the law to give mental health equal importance to physical health in the workplace has been delivered to Downing Street.

Representatives from Bauer Media and Mental Health First Aid England along with Natasha Devon MBE and Luciana Berger MP delivered the petition following a Parliamentary breakfast celebrating public backing of the campaign and calling for further support from businesses.

The campaign, supported across Bauer’s radio stations, has been gathering momentum in the run-up to World Mental Health Day tomorrow (10th October) with the backing of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Supporters of Where’s Your Head At? gathered on College Green on Monday morning, led by Rachel Riley, Natasha Devon MBE and Luciana Berger MP presenting specially-commissioned artwork by students from University of the Arts London (UAL) urging the Government to debate this issue in Parliament.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “It’s important that London is a place where people can speak openly about their mental health and the support they need. That’s why I’m working hard to improve Londoners’ awareness and understanding, to remove the stigma and achieve real improvements in access to support and care for those who need it.

Employers have a big role to play in helping their workforce and it’s time the government showed its commitment to the issue by ensuring workplaces provide both mental and physical first aid.”

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