Toby Anstis to step down from Heart Mid-Morning Show

Heart’s mid-morning presenter Toby Anstis is stepping down from a daily radio show on the network after 16 years.

He will be staying with Heart as host of Club Classics every Friday night from 7pm, replacing Annaliese Dayes (Friday and Saturday Club Classics host) who is leaving the brand.

News of his next project, also at Global, will be announced in the coming weeks.

Toby presented his first overnight shows on Heart in 2001 before moving to afternoons. He then shifted to the 9am-1pm slot in 2004. He’s the longest serving presenter on the brand, with 18 years clocked up. Ed James from Heart Breakfast in the West Midlands isn’t far behind – he started in January 2002.

Heart’s networked 10am-1pm show that Toby has been presenting is currently the biggest commercial radio show in the UK, with 3.8m weekly listeners (RAJAR Q4/18).

He tweeted “Very excited!!” after Global announced the news on social media.

Annaliese Dayes is also a model and voiceover, whilst also hosting a number of television programmes.

Toby’s final 10am-1pm show will be on Friday 5th April whilst Annaliese Dayes says goodbye on April 6th.

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Posted on Thursday, March 28th, 2019 at 1:37 pm by Roy Martin

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