Monty Panesar signs up for weekly show on Panjab Radio

Monty Panesar is joining Panjab Radio for a new show each weekend.

The British-born, Panjabi cricketer, a winner of the Ashes with England, will host a Saturday afternoon show from 3-6pm called ‘The Full Monty’.

Monty will be providing all the backstage chat and updates on cricket, viewpoints on Saturday football and more.

Station owner Surjit Singh Ghuman, MBE, said: “As we enter our 20th year of broadcasting as Britain’s largest Panjabi station, the addition of Monty to our team is a huge step forward for us. As an icon for the British Panjabi community in sport, it felt like an obvious choice for us to bring him on board.”

Monty himself said: “I’m delighted to bring my passion for sport, especially cricket, to a station which has been one of my favourite listens for a number of years. If you’re after some sports insight, great guests and having a laugh along the way, then tune in!”

The show will debut on Saturday 14th September on Panjab Radio 558AM London, Sky Channel 0130, National DAB and Radio Apps.

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Posted on Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 at 2:29 pm by RadioToday Staff

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