Burger van owner wins a million pounds on Heart

A burger van owner and mum of five has been crowned Britain’s newest millionaire live on Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden this morning.

Shelley Humphries scooped the £1,000,000 prize after entering Heart’s Make Me A Millionaire competition which has seen hundreds of winners take home prizes ranging from £1,000 to £20,000 over the past 13 weeks.

Shelley originally turning down £10,000 for the chance to be in the draw.

Speaking about her win, Shelley Humphries said: “I’m on top of the world right now, it’s so surreal. To win £1million means so much to me, it will make such a difference to my life and it’ll open up so many opportunities for me and my family. It means I’ll be able to say yes to my children more often.”

Shelley told Heart listeners why Great Ormond Street is so special to her as they saved her dad’s life in 2013 with open heart surgery and have treated her nieces since they were tiny babies.

Now she plans on donating to Great Ormond Street telling Jamie and Amanda: “I have two nieces that they helped at a very, very young age, at six weeks old both of them… I nearly lost my dad … and I just can’t thank them enough and being able to say thank you to them is a first and a must.”

Shelley also hopes to take her family on holiday, telling Heart: “I’ve never had all my children with me together on one holiday before and so I’m hoping to be able to go on a family holiday to Portugal.

“I’d also like to upgrade my burger van – I’d love one with a bit of heating in or maybe even a café where you can have the heating on permanently!”

Heart Breakfast’s Jamie Theakston said: “This morning was very special on Heart Breakfast as we crowned the winner of Heart’s Make Me a Millionaire. It was a great honour to share this life-changing moment with Shelley.

“Make Me a Millionaire is the biggest competition in UK radio and the suspense and drama that we’ve witnessed over the past 13 weeks has captivated listeners. We’d like to thank everyone who took part and we send huge congratulations to Shelley.”

Heart Breakfast’s Amanda Holden said: “We are so thrilled for our wonderful winner Shelley. It truly has been the most incredible and emotional morning on Heart Breakfast, and it was our great privilege to crown Shelley as our very worthy winner.

“All of us at Heart send all our best wishes and many congratulations to Shelley and her family.”

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Posted on Friday, May 28th, 2021 at 1:17 pm by RadioToday Staff

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