LBC 97.3 launches 2012 charity appeal

Global Radio’s London speech station, LBC 97.3, has kicked off its Help a London Child Appeal week to raise money for three charities.

The station is running auctions for money-can’t-buy items such as being a Chelsea FC mascot or winning a year’s supply of Walkers crisps and a meet-and-greet with Gary Lineker.

Dalton Leong, Managing Director of Help a London Child said: “I’m delighted that LBC 97.3’s Help a London Child Appeal 2012 is raising money to help children affected by cancer in London. The funds raised will go to three charities – Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, CLIC Sargent and Fight for Life – to help them reach more children living with cancer. We are grateful to our listeners for getting involved in supporting such worthy causes.”

LBC 97.3 breakfast presenter and Help a London Child Ambassador, Nick Ferrari said: “This has to be one of the most deserving causes imaginable and I’m going to strive to ensure that even during these current financial hard times, we get every single pound and penny possible.”

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