NW Sony winners discuss winning secrets

Recent winners at the 2012 Sony Radio Academy Awards will be gathering this Thursday evening to discuss their awards.

The Radio Academy event will see representatives from Juice, GMG Radio, BBC Radio 5 Live and Woolyback Productions share their secrets.

With the North West representing a good share of winners at the event on May 14th, the Radio Academy hope to find out what makes a winning entry from regional winners.

The panel consists of Juice FM Liverpool, Christian Spooner from GMG Radio News, Sally Woolyback from Woolyback Productions and a soon to be confirmed guest from BBC Radio 5 Live.

Radio Today Editor and co-host of the event webcast Stuart Clarkson will chair the evening, being held at Bohemia Bar Castlefield. Click here for more details and to confirm your attendance via Facebook. Entry is free for Radio Academy members – or £10 on the door for non-members. Please check if you are already a member by clicking here.

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