ISBA welcomes Global Radio investigation

Bob Wootton, Director of Media at ISBA has welcomed the news that Global Radio’s takeover of GMG Radio has been referred to the CC.

The ISBA, known as The Voice of the British Advertiser, has already expressed its concerns over lessening competition prior to the Competition Commission getting involved.

Bos said: “Global Radio’s acquisition of GMG’s Radio assets raises some further concerns about media ownership concentration and the possible leverage of undue dominance which can arise. We therefore welcome the OFT’s referral to the Competition Commission and will be submitting our members’ views to their inquiry.”

Following an intervention notice issued by the Secretary of State, broadcasting regulator Ofcom and the Office of Fair Trading both submitted reports on the impact of the deal at the end of September – Ofcom’s report was based on media plurality issues, the OFT report on competition issues.

The OFT has now referred the case to the CC, which will decide whether the acquisition may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition in the market. Ofcom has already concluded that it does not consider the deal to operate against the public interest.

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