Bauer Media’s more! magazine is starting a new radio show on the group’s digital station The Hits Radio.
Hosted by the magazine’s news director Leigh Purves, we’re told it’s aimed at women aged 18-24 with features including celebrity stories, fashion and beauty tips.
‘Get more!’ will air Sunday nights 7-10pm, starting this evening (9 October) on the station – which is available on DAB as well as on digital TV and online.
Chantelle Horton, editor of more! magazine, commented: “Chart music plays a huge part in the lives of the more! readers so working with The Hits is the perfect partnership. Both brands realise the power of engaging their audiences in exciting ways – so a show that brings to life more!’s core pillars of fashion, beauty and men alongside The Hits non-stop music is a sure winner for today’s young women.”
Paul Fernley, The Hits Radio’s Programmes Manager told RadioToday.co.uk: “It’s great to bring the power of these two youth targeted brands together to create some really exciting content that not only gets our audience talking, but gets them interacting and engaging. We know that our listeners love more! magazine, so it’ll be great to bring the magazine to life on the radio.”
Other Bauer magazine brands including Heat, Q and Kerrang! already have their own radio versions.
Posted on Sunday, October 9th, 2011 at 5:26 pm by RadioToday Staff