Comedian and broadcaster Al Murray is joining Planet Rock to host a new weekend show called Defender of the Planet Rock Tradition
The Pub Landlord will be on-air each Sunday morning 10am till 12pm with classic rock and regular features.
Ric Blaxill, newly appointed Music and Content Director for Planet Rock, said: “Combine Al’s talents as a great comedian and experienced broadcaster alongside his love of rock music and drumming skills, and you’ve got a brilliant addition to the Planet Rock team! His show promises to give Planet Rock listeners the perfect start to Sunday mornings.”
Al Murray said: “As the world faces a relentless assault of cardboard cut-out pop – Planet Rock is the last bastion of amps, riffs and axes, it’s an honour to be asked to do my bit.”
Murray has just completed four series of 7 Day Sunday, a look on the week’s events hosted on BBC Radio 5 Live and appeared as the guest editor for the New Year’s Day episode of The Today Programme on BBC Radio 4.
Murray joins a line-up which already includes Alice Cooper, Paul Anthony, Wyatt Wendels, Darren Redick and Def Leppard’s Joe Elliot.
Posted on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 at 11:01 am by RadioToday Staff