GLOBAL: Capital FM back at #1

Capital FM has returned to the undisputed position of the most listened to commercial radio station in London, over-taking Magic on both share and reach.

The station now has over two million listeners each week, giving the Global-owned station a six-year high.

Johnny Vaughan and Lisa Snowdon have retained the number one breakfast show with 1.227 million listeners – an increase 143,000 compared to the previous quarter.

Elsewhere at Global, Heart has moved to the second spot in terms of reach, whilst Magic slips to third place. If you count station listenership by share instead, you’ll find Magic in the second spot.

Across the Capital network, former Galaxy stations have produced mixed results. In the North East, Yorkshire and Manchester the numbers are down slightly, whilst in Scotland, Birmingham, the South Coast the numbers are up.

In South Wales, Red Dragon is down this quarter but up year-on-year. The combined Leicester Sound, RAM FM and Trent FM has a new reach of 554,000. Previously, Leicester Sound had 153,000, RAM had 98,000 and Trent had 321,000 – a total of 572,000.

On other floors in Leicester Square, Classic FM has added 366,000 extra listeners taking its weekly each to over 6 million listeners, and LBC’s audience growth continues with an increase of 137,000 new listeners in the last 12 months, bringing the total 1.181million listeners each week.

Ashley Tabor, Founder and Executive President said: “These are breathtaking results across the board for Global. We are pleased that the quality of our output throughout the UK is giving listeners what they want, and I’m particularly pleased that the new Capital network has launched so strongly – and that Capital FM is back to Number 1 in London in every measure.”

Richard Park, Director of Broadcasting at Global Radio said: “I’m absolutely thrilled for the teams here at Global who have succeeded in giving the company growth across all our brands- truly something to be proud of and gratifying that the hard work has paid off.”.

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Posted on Thursday, May 12th, 2011 at 7:37 am by RadioToday Staff

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