Glensound score as talkSPORT expands

UTV Media’s new international deal for coverage of the Premier League has brought a boost in business for broadcast solutions firm Glensound Electronics.

talkSPORT has invested in a new commentary system set up from the company, as it prepares to broadcast from every single top-flight football match over the next four years.

Glensound says it has developed three products to help meet the stations needs for the 380-game a season commentary deal – the ‘Fader 3’, the ‘Fader 6’ and the ‘GS-FW029’.

talkSPORT have purchased 32 new commentary mixers – twenty-five 3-channel versions and six 6-channel versions. Unusually for sports commentary, they give level control to the operators and also have independent monitoring of two external sources via the mixers.

The ‘GS-FW029’ units are custom-designed production talkback and monitoring systems, which allow talkback to 10 different commentary locations with selectable input monitoring from 12 sources.

Senior Station Engineer at talkSPORT, Peter Ockelford, told us: “I have a long and fruitful relationship with Glensound, who were able to design the units to my exact requirements and deliver in time.”

Glensound’s Sales & Marketing Manager Marc Wilson added: “The brief for this project was for commentary units with individual channel faders. This is something we have not developed before on a commentary unit and it was great to have an opportunity to work through the requirements that Peter had for the project, and develop three new units that meet the requirements exactly, without compromise.”

Last month we told you about talkSPORT’s deal with the Premier League which will see the station become the global audio partner for English football’s biggest tournament and will involve the station broadcasting commentary from every single match in a variety of languages over the next four years.

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