Orion Media’s West Midlands stations will raise money under a single banner next year as “Walk for Kids” replaces regional names.
This year, the annual “walks” were named after each TSA, such as The Walk of Warwickshire and The Walk of the Black Country.
Between them they have raised over £750,000 for local children’s charities with 23,000 people taking part.
Charity Manager, Naomi Boast, said “We are now looking for worthy children’s charities to apply to be a beneficiary of the Walks in 2013. We know that there are some outstanding children’s charities across the patch so if you would like to be considered we would love to hear from you.”
Chief Executive of Free Radio, Phil Riley, said “We are very excited to be once again organising our Walks in 2013 and have decided to give each of them a ‘Walk for Kids’ name-tag to reflect the fact we are committed to raising money for children and young people across our local areas.
“There is no doubt that it’ll be a fantastic series of events with the potential to raise very large sums of money and generate huge amounts of PR exposure for the charitable causes.
“We know that our listeners are extremely generous in both giving their money and time to support local charities and we hope to raise even more in 2013 than we did this year.”
Posted on Thursday, November 8th, 2012 at 6:31 am by RadioToday Staff