BBC iPlayer Radio to allow show downloads

The BBC Trust has approved proposals to enable downloads for BBC iPlayer Radio programmes, to commence ‘at some point’ in 2014.

bbciplayerandroidAt the moment, television programmes are available for download within seven days of broadcast and watching offline within 30 days. From 2014, radio programmes will have the same option.

Podcasts will still operate different as a single download available at anytime.

In approving the decision, the BBC Trust said: “The proposal’s impact on users, while likely to be positive and worthwhile, is unlikely to be significant in the context of total hours the audience spends listening to radio.”

The BBC offers 7,600 hours of newly available catch-up offered each week protected by a digital rights management (DRM) download delivery mechanism.

“The Executive believe this proposal will likely appeal primarily to ‘on the go’ listeners, and these listeners are the most likely to be in the younger age group where radio listening has declined the most,” the Trust continued.

The downloads will be available on desktop, iPhone and Android apps.

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Posted on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013 at 1:23 pm by RadioToday Staff

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