Whilst clearing out at Tettenhall Road Wolverhampton, Free Radio decided the signature wall was too value to be left behind, so cut it out.
It contains the signatures of all five members of One Direction and is now on eBay to raise money for charity.
The autograph wall measuring around 1m x 1m and containing twenty-seven bricks was professionally removed after it was announced the radio station would be moving premises.
Nigel Freshman of the Shropshire & Black Country show explained ‘Because we’re a radio station we get lots of celebs dropping by for a chat and always get them to sign our Wall of Fame. Given the hysteria surrounding One Direction we couldn’t leave it behind and seemed only right do something totally unique with it and the general consensus was to auction it off for charity. So we did.’
The silver penning against a black matte wall went live for bidding on eBay at 8:10am this morning and will run for ten days with all of the money raised going to the Kelli Smith Appeal .
Kelli is just 4 years old and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma aged just 3 months, she cannot get the treatment she needs in this country and needs £500,000 to travel to either Germany or the USA, her Dad, Tom is also terminal with brain cancer and the hope is the auction will go some way to giving Kelli a fighting chance of life.
For more information visit freeradio.co.uk/onedirectionwall
Posted on Thursday, September 26th, 2013 at 2:36 pm by RadioToday Staff