Free Radio gives free cash on the street

Free Radio has been giving away free money in Walsall after evening show presenter Adam Wilbourn dressed up in the Coat of Cash.

The stunt was kept under wraps with Free Radio presenters giving out clues as to where the Free Money location was being held in the days running up to the event. When the location was revealed an hour before the event, many listeners made their way over to Walsall in time.

Adam Wilbourn emerged out of a shop onto the high street, and everyone was ready and waiting. He barely had time to reveal he was covered in cash before everyone was grabbing the five pound notes off of him. The whole event lasted less than a minute.

One listener said: “A ginger haired guy with a lovely layer of green came out.. and it was just great.”

Adam said: “I had no idea how it would turn out! It was great that we could give out some money, and from the looks on people’s faces, those who managed to grab some cash were definitely very happy about it.”

Free Radio is continuing its Free Money campaign until the end of January paying listeners bill.

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