Alternative radio body being considered for smaller stations

An alternative official body to represent radio stations not part of Radiocentre is being seriously considered, RadioToday understands.

The need for an alternative body has come about because some groups believe Radiocentre does not fully represent their position or interests as a company.

The new group would aim to promote a different approach adopted with respect to the representation of their interests in the sector to the Government.

A number of discussions have taken place between interested groups and stations, including current Radiocentre subscribers.

Radiocentre is funded by its members, dominated by the two biggest commercial groups, Global and Bauer. It also includes Celador Radio, Lincs FM, Communicorp, Nation Broadcasting, Media Sound Holdings and individual or smaller group licence holders including Folder Media, High Peak Radio, Kingdom FM, Premier and Sunrise.

UKRD, Wireless (UTV) and Anglia Radio quit Radiocentre almost a decade ago, when William Rogers, CEO of UKRD said plans for a switchover date to digital in 2015 needs to be exposed for the completely ridiculous proposal that it was.

William Rogers confirmed the discussions are taking place when asked by RadioToday. We asked how advanced the plans are for a Radiocentre rival. He said: “If those that have already been a party to these conversations commit, I think it is more likely to happen than not. I guess, if more people now show an interest as a result of knowing an alternative is being considered, that likelihood increases. It’s up to others now to express their interest, confidentially at this stage, if that’s the case.

“I suspect that any such proposition would not take the form of a typical, London based, relatively expensive, staffed up operation but would look more like a federation of appropriate operators who met regularly, had common interests and felt that they would be better represented by an organisation that could speak more clearly on their behalf.”

Radiocentre did not have a comment when contacted.

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Posted on Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 at 10:01 am by Roy Martin

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