BBC Radio Bristol does 24 hour presenter relay

BBC Radio Bristol is changing its schedule for 24 hours, as the station takes on a Random Radio Relay.

Presenters Emma Britton, John Darvall, Geoff Twentyman and Joe Lemer will be randomly selected to jump on air on the hour every hour.

The event started at 7pm on Thursday 25 October, raising money for ‘The BBC Radio Bristol Alive Appeal’, which works to change the lives of older people in Bristol.

The relay is the latest event in the station’s fundraising campaign seeking to raise £50,000 for local charity ‘Alive’, which puts on events in care homes and day centres across the region. Earlier this month, Emma Britton completed a challenge to go from Couch to 5k, Geoff Twentyman hosted a Big Sport Quiz, and last month John Darvall overcame his fear of falling on a sky dive.

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Posted on Thursday, October 25th, 2018 at 10:39 pm by RadioToday Staff

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