Radiocentre targets advertisers with special Tuning In events

Marketeers from the motoring, finance, retail and travel industries will be invited to special virtual conferences being run by Radiocentre to promote radio advertising as brands begin to trade again following the coronavirus lockdown.

The industry body for commercial radio is hosting the free Tuning In series over the course of a month, beginning on Tuesday 30th June with a focus on the automotive sector. Car brands, dealerships, media agencies and everyone in between will be invited to learn more about how radio can drive sales and promote brands to a wide audience at a time when listeners are starting to consider purchasing again.

Lasting approximately an hour each, the webinars will share some content, with speakers including Global’s Creative Director, Jo McCrostie, on hand to deliver a session on creative tone and the speed with which a radio ad can go from brief to broadcast. Industry experts from the relevant sectors will also appear. Tuning In: Automotive will be introduced by marketing consultant Chris Hawken, who has over thirty years’ experience in the car market having worked with Skoda, Vauxhall, Hyundai, Renault, Audi and more.

Hits Radio presenter and music artist Fleur East will also be discussing the role of radio partnerships with brands and how it fits with programming. Other sessions will focus this year’s FCA-confirmed industry guidance on terms and conditions, and on relevant category research from Radiocentre.

Siobhan Kenny, Radiocentre CEO, said: “With commercial radio’s reach at a record high, we want to show different industries how we can help. As lockdown relaxes and life starts to look more normal, we want to give them support and know-how to get back to business and use radio to its fullest potential.”

The sector-specific Tuning In events follows last month’s Tuning In Livestream – a full morning conference which attracted around 1,000 virtual attendees.

Find out more about the Tuning In industry events on the Radiocentre website.

You can hear Radiocentre’s Siobhan Kenny talking about this and giving an update on how the lockdown has affected commercial radio stations on this week’s RadioToday Programme podcast

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Posted on Wednesday, June 17th, 2020 at 1:52 pm by Stuart Clarkson

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