New research has found that radio remains the most trusted medium in Europe, having come out top for the 12th year in a row in the annual Eurobarometer survey from the European Commission.
The survey found that radio was trusted by 56% of the population on average, compared to 49% for both TV and press.
In the UK this figure rises to 61% of people expressing trust in radio. Citizens in 26 out of 37 European countries trust radio the most, with the Netherlands and Albania joining the ranks this time.
By contrast, the internet and social media are trusted the least across most of Europe, with less than one quarter of EU citizens trusting social media (20%) and 35% trusting the internet.
Matt Payton, CEO of Radiocentre said: “At a time when trust in media has never been more challenged it’s fascinating to see that audiences, in the UK and across Europe, continue to hold radio in such high regard.
“Radio is a platform which can be relied on for companionship, entertainment, updates on what’s going on in the world and also as a safe space for brands to place their ads.”
Download the full report and EBU analysis is here. The original Eurobarometer data is available here.
Posted on Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 7:33 am by RadioToday Staff