BBC DQF: What Danny Baker tweeted

BBC London afternoon presenter Danny Baker has caused a few headlines by tweeting to his 90,000+ followers that his show is part of the Delivering Quality First cuts.

He didn’t mince his words when he said “The logic of Genius” and “Nothing like having your show axed” about the BBC.

His first tweet, which said: “So the BBC London afternoon show – current Sony Gold Holder – is to be part of the Delivering Quality First cuts. The logic of Genius.” was followed up by “Nothing like having your show axed under an initiative called Delivering Quality First to let you know how valued you are.”

Then, after an article or two appeared online about Danny the tweets, he said: “OK BBC London told under Ho! For Choice Cuts thing to axe all afternoon shows. I’m on 3-5. Then BBC says I shouldn’t interpret that as axe” and “Happy to be poster boy for unease at BBC Putting Quality Upwards Yeah Yeah cuts. Never put word ‘Quality’ on machine thats sacking people”.

The BBC Press Office has denied Baker is being sacked, saying “As part of the proposed Delivering Quality First changes, BBC London will be sharing some programmes, but which programmes and who presents them is yet to decided. Danny hasn’t been told his show’s been axed, because it hasn’t been.”

The outburst was after the BBC announced their Delivering Quality First results, in which there are a number of proposals to cut costs at BBC Radio including sharing afternoon and evening programmes on BBC Local Radio.

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