GMG Radio restructures after Rea departure

GMG Radio has announced a number of changes at group programming and news editor level in the wake of Deputy Group Programme Director James Rea’s departure to Global.

Group Production Director Chris Stevens becomes Deputy Group PD, while there are new Brand News Editors for Real Radio and Smooth Radio.

Rea is leaving the group to become Global Radio’s Group Head of News and LBC Managing Editor. Previously he was Editorial Director at GMG, before being promoted to Deputy Group PD in May.

Stevens – who rejoined GMG Radio last summer after spells at Radio 2 and TM Studios in Dallas – will report to Group Programme Director John Simons. We’re told he will continue to oversee all imaging for the group and work alongside the Brand Programme Directors on all aspects of station sound and output. He will also have a special focus on digital content and partnerships.

The group’s news teams will now be overseen by two editors – one for Real Radio and one for Smooth Radio. Vicky Etchells – currently News Editor at Real Radio Yorkshire – takes on the Real role, while Christian Spooner, at the moment the Real Radio North West News Editor, becomes Smooth Radio Brand News Editor.

GMG Radio’s Chief Executive Stuart Taylor said: “GMG Radio is constantly evolving as a business and I’m delighted we are able to promote from within and offer new opportunities to Chris, Vicky and Christian. All three are enormously talented and it’s great to now be able to give them the recognition they all deserve.”

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Posted on Monday, September 26th, 2011 at 10:26 am by RadioToday Staff

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