BBC local radio host sleeps on street

BBC Radio York breakfast presenter Adam Tomlinson is sleeping rough on the street in York next next week to get a first-hand look at life for the homeless.

He’ll be presenting a live show on the station next Tuesday night to help highlight the growing problem of homelessness in North Yorkshire.

(C) BBC - Photographer: Paul Crossman
The special programme comes as figures show a rise in people with nowhere to live in the county and predictions that the problem will get worse. Charity Safe and Sound Homes, who the station is working with for the broadcast, says demand for temporary accommodation in York is up three quarters in 2012 so far compared with last year.

Adam’s breakfast show the following morning will be broadcast live from a homeless breakfast club in the city and we’re told he’ll talk to local decision-makers and representatives of the government about the issue. There will also be local homeless people on air talking about their lives.

The idea came about after a homeless man, Ade, told his story on the Radio York breakfast show. The programme has been following Ade’s journey back into work and permanent accommodation.

Adam Tomlinson’s special from the streets of York goes out live on Tuesday 13th March 10-11pm on Radio York, followed by a breakfast special the next morning.

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