Mobile music game app created for radio

UBC Media & Absolute Radio have created a mobile music game similar to the popular SongPop app, which lets listeners identify a song from a short clip.

Absolute Radio is the first station to release the app, which is available today on the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad. The download is free but payment is required for additional songs based on the decades of Absolute Radio’s spin-off stations.

Absolute Radio will market the game and will share the micro payment revenue, whilst UBC will offer a white-label version of the product to other stations.

Laura Tannenbaum Brand Marketing Manager Absolute Radio said “Our free Rock Off application drives engagement with the Absolute Radio brand, demonstrates our unique music proposition and raises awareness of the station’s decade strategy”

Simon Cole, Chief Executive of UBC commented: “The smarter players in the Broadcast industry are now moving from simple streaming apps to mobile experiences which give listeners new and exciting ways to interact with stations. These are the developments that we have been preparing for. The rich multimedia and on-demand music content in the Astral apps and the addictive gaming experience from Absolute Radio are great examples of innovation. We are proud to be at the forefront of these developments with two global leaders in digital media and to open up new opportunities for shared advertising and in-game purchase revenues.”

Clive Dickens, Chief Operating Officer of Absolute Radio commented: “Mobile apps are a significant growth area for Absolute Radio. Unique Interactive have helped us deliver a fantastic app in ‘Rock Off’ as part of that strategy”

UBC Media’s Unique Interactive division has also created a suite of mobile applications for the NRJ and Virgin radio networks in Canada, which offer for the first time an on-demand music and video streaming service. The current station apps have been downloaded almost one million times.

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