Indies celebrate BBC commissioning round

The Radio Independents Group has welcomed the news that independent radio producers had won almost all of the commissions available to them in the BBC Radio Window of Creative Competition.

The BBC Trust section of the Annual Report states that 20% of eligible radio hours, not including news and some other content, was produced by indie radio companies in the year 2012‐13.

This includes the 10% quota, plus the additional 10% in the WoCC. It is understood that 80% of WoCC commissions were won by indies.

This is the first time the WoCC for BBC Radio has been reported on, as it has only been in full operation for one year. It was introduced following the 2010 BBC Radio Network Supply Review, which concluded that the BBC should: ‘demonstrate a clear focus on delivering high quality and distinctive programming to licence fee payers, in particular through ensuring the best ideas are commissioned regardless of source’.

RIGCurrently the BBC Window of Creative Competition for TV is 25% of eligible hours, along with a 25 per cent statutory quota.

RIG Chair Phil Critchlow said: “The 10% WoCC was a first step towards the Trust’s stated aims. We hope that our sector has now proved that, given the chance, we can step up to the plate with great ideas and quality production values.

“RIG will continue to discuss with the BBC how we might look for further opportunities to work with the Corporation to produce programming that provides maximum value to the Licence Fee Payer”.

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