Entries open for Community Radio Awards 2019

Entries are now open for the fourth UK Community Radio Awards, with the Station of the Year category now free to enter.

Volunteers and stations from up and down the country are being urged to enter the best of their output from the past year, and consider those team members deserving of special recognition.

Martin Steers, awards chair, said: “I am ecstatic to be launching the fourth year of the Community Radio Awards. Over the last three, we’ve seen some amazing impact and content from the UK’s community radio stations.

“What has been most important for me is seeing how the awards have become a part of the Community Radio calendar, and how stations have been using their award wins to improve their standing in their own communities – just reward for all the work they have put in serving them.”

As an incentive, the Station of the Year category is now free to enter, along with reworked entry criteria for the Digital/RSL Station of the Year category.

Submissions close at 5pm on 16th June 2019 and more details are at communityradioawards.org.uk.

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Posted on Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 at 10:45 am by Lee Price

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