BBC’s head of West Midlands radio quits

The BBC’s Head of Regional and Local Programmes for the BBC in the West Midlands Cath Hearne has quit her position at The Mailbox.

Cath has been in charge of local radio in the West Midlands for over four years and is leaving to pursue an as yet unspecified new career.

The Birmingham Post reports her reign in Birmingham was punctuated by controversy, notably over bullying allegations.

David Holdsworth, Controller of BBC English Regions said: “Cath will be a great loss. She is a consummate professional with vast experience of both the BBC and English Regions.

“We will miss her energy, passion and editorial ambition. Output in the West Midlands has been strengthened under her leadership, alongside a greater commitment to collaborative working, staff development and external partnerships. She will be a hard act to follow.”

Before joining the Midlands team Cath held a similar role for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, based in Hull, from January 2007.

Preceding her role in Hull, Cath ran the TV operation at BBC London for three-and-a-half years. She was Editor when London won the 2012 Olympics bid and on 7/7, when suicide bombers attacked the capital.

A search for a new Head of Region for the BBC West Midlands has already begun.

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