FRS seek advertiser for major promotion

First Radio Sales has announced a new national sponsorship and promotions solution which it says will reach an audience of 3 million adults across 50 local radio stations.

The sales house – which represents stations from groups inlcuding UTV Radio, Celador, Tindle and Lincs – says the idea will allow national brands to use the power of local radio on a ‘collective and convenient scale’.

Called ‘The Pr1me Connection network’, FRS says the 2-week long promotion will feature a famous voice who’ll push listeners to the station websites to enter a branded microsite for the chance to win a major UK-wide prize. The celebrity voice will also provide entertaining content broadcast each morning on each of the 50 stations – making it engaging for listeners and brands alike.

It’ll run on stations from UTV Radio, Town and Country Broadcasting, Celador, KM Group, Tindle Radio, The Lincs Group and ARI.

Tony Mellor, Managing Director of First Radio Sales said: “In today’s world of networked and syndicated radio we wanted to bring national advertisers the opportunity to engage with stations that are proud of being local, and to deliver a fun and engaging national promotion that is creative, efficient and above all, simple.”

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Posted on Thursday, September 1st, 2011 at 8:20 am by RadioToday Staff

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