Former Heart PD working on radio manual

Radio consultant Francis Currie is putting together a radio programming manual which will be published next year – and he wants your help!

Radio Warfare is billed as being about the ‘strategy, tactics and psychology of winning the ratings war’ and is designed as a practical field guide for those working in the industry.

Francis, who was the launch Programme Director at London’s Magic 105.4 and later PD for the Heart Network, has most recently been working as a programming consultant for UTV Media’s local radio stations as well as on international projects. He was recently named one of the industry’s best consultants by US magazine Radio Ink.

With ‘Radio Warfare’, he’s looking for contributors to help provide input and feedback to help shape the final book. Industry people are asked to sign up via a website to get free advance copies of each chapter as soon as they’re produced. Those whose contributions make the final edit with then get a credit in the published edition of the book in 2012.

Francis told “I have wanted to produce a new kind of radio field guide for a long time, and it is now finally planned for next year. It is designed to be a practical field guide for succeeding in the 21st century battle for radio ratings. Anyone who signs up will get hold of advance programming intelligence which will help them make immediate practical improvements to their radio station. In return, I will have a team of demanding associates who will help me shape and sharpen the material to make it as practically useful and powerful as possible.”

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