Alex Lester keeps Late Show on Greatest Hits Radio

Alex Lester is staying on the Late Show at Greatest Hits Radio as part of a new schedule at the station.

Alex has been hosting the show, with production funded by the Audio Content Fund in reaction to the coronavirus outbreak. But he will continue on the slot indefinitely starting tonight, voicetracked.

Other changes include Simon Ross (in England) and Ewen Cameron (in Scotland) hosting a five-hour breakfast show starting at 5am, (with the first-hour voice-tracked) and Sean Goldsmith on live overnights.

Alex’s overnight / early breakfast show has now ended as a result.

Darren Proctor continues to host Drive across the network, with the exception of the West Midlands where Andy Goulding hosts the show on 105.2FM.

Greatest Hits Radio is expanding to dozens of new areas on FM in the coming months following an announcement by Bauer in May.

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Posted on Monday, June 8th, 2020 at 11:57 am by Roy Martin

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