Carl Hartley joins Town and Country

Former Lakeland Radio news editor Carl Hartley is to take up a role as programme manager for three Town and Country Broadcasting stations in South Wales from early March.

He’ll also do the drivetime show for Radio Carmarthenshire, Radio Ceredigion and Scarlet FM.

Carl currently does a weekend show on Lakeland Radio in Kendal and news on Blackpool station Radio Wave. He’s previously been Programme Manager of community station Bolton FM, Head of Presentation and breakfast presenter at Rugby FM – as well as spells at The Bay and Lakeland Radio.

He said: “I’m delighted to be joining a radio group with big visions of bringing truly local radio to the areas they serve. I’m really looking forward to working with the on air team in bringing engaging content across a multi-media platform specifically aimed at our listeners.”

Mark Franklin, Group Programme Director, told “I’m delighted that Carl is joining Town & Country Broadcasting. He brings with him a true passion for local radio and clear understanding of what listeners want to hear. I genuinely excited to have him join the team.”

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