John Myers reveals all in new radio book

It’s approaching that time of year when John Myers like to shake up the radio industry. This time, he’s doing it with his own book about the radio business.

TEAM – It’s only radio will be out next month, in which a lot of people in radio get a mention, and some would rather they weren’t. It’s expected to reveal secrets and explode myths about his long career in radio both in the studio and in the board room.

John is chairman of the Sony Radio Academy Awards, former CEO of GMG Radio and the brains behind Century, Real, Smooth, Rock, CFM and more. He says this book is his total recall of the radio world, where screaming callers won competitions at 8.15am on a Friday, fictitious people won comps, characters ruled the day, personalities were in demand, local radio was local, brands were never invented, research was for idiots, jocks played what they wanted and callers were told to sod off.

He tells us the secrets behind those multi-million pound deals, the people he dealt with, why he was called a C**t by The BBC, how a religious advisor was fired on Trouble at the Top and Degsy got a job while others lost out after just a week.

The 380 page dossier reveals two sides to Myers. The hard nosed businessman driving new radio stations to success while his appearance on air as Morgan caused hundreds of complaints and the anger of his competitors. Above all, this is a love affair about radio, a revealing insight into how business was conducted in the crazy high priced days of the 80s and 90s. He reveals the true inside story of those BBC reports and the many characters we know and love.

TEAM – It’s only radio will be available on hardback and kindle from October 29th. You can pre-order from October 1st via

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