New audio imaging and themes for BBC Radio Wales

BBC Radio Wales has a new sound from today with a custom set of themes and logos from Mcasso.

The BBC National Orchestra of Wales recorded 13 themes over the course of one day, conducted by Mcasso Composer and Orchestrator Mike MacLennan.

They cover news, travel and sport, as well as featured themes for music, arts and current affairs.

Mcasso tells RadioToday they used their entire composing team providing a variety of styles and genres: “With a long list of deliverables and a forthcoming deadline the team worked quickly and efficiently working closely with the station and Colin Paterson, Station Editor of Radio Wales.”

Tom Martin, Managing Director of Mcasso and Music Director said: “It was a pleasure to work with Colin Paterson and the team at BBC Radio Wales, as well as the talented musicians and engineers at the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

“All involved made it a thoroughly enjoyable and smooth process. We look forward to hearing the new package on air.”

Mcasso recently rebranded the BBC World Service, provided imaging for The RadioToday Programme, and provides the imaging for BBC Local Radio.

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Posted on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 at 11:17 am by Roy Martin

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