Radioplayer signs agreement to launch in Italy

Radioplayer has teamed up with a consortium of Italian broadcasters to launch Radioplayer Italia.

A licensing agreement has been signed in Milan between PER Srl – an organisation that includes all the national and local Italian radio stations – and Radioplayer, to bring together Hundreds of Italian stations.

In addition, Italian stations will join the international Radioplayer data feed that powers the hybrid radio interfaces in many Audi, VW and Porsche cars. These smart devices can switch automatically between DAB, FM, and streaming.

Radioplayer Managing Director Michael Hill commented: “Italy is not only a nation of radio lovers, but also a major car manufacturing centre, and one of the top automotive markets in Europe. That’s why this is such a welcome new partnership for Radioplayer – we’re determined to keep radio strong in the car, and we’ll do it by working closely with broadcasters and car companies in great European countries like Italy”.

PER srl President Lorenzo Suraci said: “Today is the beginning of a cooperation that gives strength and protection online to one common interest – the radio. Soon our listeners will have unified access to hundreds of radio stations available on all devices: mobile, desktop, in-car and in-house. Radio is a powerful media and in constant evolution.”

PER Director Michele Gulinucci added: “We look forward to releasing Radioplayer Italia as soon as possible on all digital platforms: connected cars, smart speakers, smart watches, smart TVs, Wifi speakers, smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Importantly, all the content is direct from the broadcaster, with no additional advertising. Radio evolves by being itself.”

Radioplayer technology is already in use in 10 other countries, with more major European territories to be announced within weeks.

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Posted on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 at 11:08 am by RadioToday Staff

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